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Clients And What They Say…

Below are some of the clients with whom we have worked providing Executive Coaching and/or Consulting and/or Automotive Retail Consulting:


"I realized when talking to a few people then meeting Doug Macdonald, that in a short time here in this life, one meets a few people who are very influential in one’s life. It is not always immediately that we realize this. My father was one who, although has been gone for 18 years, his voice and words ring loudly in my head. The interesting thing that I realized in working with Doug is that many of the situations that we discussed echoed his words to me. It’s very powerful when people whom I meet and talk to who don’t really know me, have the ability to bring me back to hear the most influential person in my life, my father some 18 years later. Thanks for your listening and letting me feel comfortable enough to confide in you some things that I would never have brought forward with other people who preceded you. You have talent (listening) that cannot be trained but, can be learned."   - Brad T., Service Manager
BMW/MINI Dealership

"The coaching sessions with Mr. MacDonald have helped to effectively deploy my strengths in managing and developing my direct reports. I found great help in continuous self leadership improvement by eliminating self weakness and limits. In my dealings with Mr. MacDonald, I found him to be trustworthy as he presents the truth in a factual, appropriate and helpful manner."   - Mohd A. Jaber, Operations Manager

"Doug can really get you to start thinking more globally; he is a coach that allows you to discuss issues and explore alternate solutions you may have not considered. His direct approach and open and honest feedback on your performance and behaviors is very helpful."   - Harold Ptachyk, Quality Manager

"Over the past six months, working with Doug MacDonald, as my Executive Coach, has enabled me to confidently and clearly state my desired outcomes. This has eliminated the rework I had previously had to do within my department and with my peers. Doug has encouraged me to set priorities and follow through on these priorities to achieve my desired outcomes. Although my role is still complicated by competing objectives both within and outside the organization, I am able today to hold onto and achieve my outcomes. I now achieve this with the support and efforts of everyone within the operational plant. "   - Al Price-Stephens, Maintenance Manager

"Doug continuously challenges me with and through the use of pointed and direct questions. His intuition and keen sense of human behavior have made me take a hard look at myself and the issue at hand all the while being supportive and inspiring".   - Scott S. Director, Financial Services

"I very much appreciate Doug MacDonald for the personal and professional coaching he has provided me. Doug's approach is not just consultative and understanding, but open and direct. I was able to delve into topics, particularly personal ones that I had rarely been comfortable discussing with anyone before. At Doug's urging, I am tackling (albeit slowly) some of the personal issues that have felt like roadblocks for me for a long time. From a professional perspective, I found Doug was able to help me identify different approaches to resolve issues and improve professional relationships by introducing a range of tools, techniques and thinking into practical terms. My sessions with Doug have definitely helped and I can unconditionally recommend Doug's coaching sessions to anyone." - Susan H. Chief Operating Officer

"As a result of Doug’s coaching, I now manage situations with more confidence and in particular, always start by focusing on establishing “my best possible outcome,” and then planning how to get there. This perspective change has enabled me to be more in control of situations and events that before were seemingly outside of my control." - Dave P. Plant Manager